Monday, August 22, 2005

Snapple Fact # 98

Beware of a girl who has the exact same pose and face in every single picture. You know you've seen 'em, that girl who has sat in front of her mirror, trying to find her best side, and has practiced enough so as to have the same look in every single photo.

Seriously, think about how vain a person you have to be to have down a "picture face." And some might shrug it off, saying "Oh, it just happens that way." Wrong. There is no way that in every picture taken of you from the age of 18 on just by coincidence you look the exact same; same smile, same tilt of the head, same angle at the camera.

Which, by the way, is the most usual pose these girls take. Face tilted down, slightly looking up at the camera, showing the majority of either their right or left. I think the goal is to try and look sexy/hot (and not in the way guys think of hot, the girl "hot" mentality)/elegant.

It's not working, bitch. Get over yourself.

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