Thursday, August 25, 2005

Quiet As A Train Accident

So last night about 1:30am I'm in bed, awaiting the coming of the first day of school. Silva, for some demented reason and compulsion, was out drinking. The night before classes start. Maybe I'm old fashioned, but that seems a little ridiculous.

Anyway, so its 1:30, and all of a sudden I hear a tremendous slam, followed by what sounded like a girl crying. I figured one of the girls downstairs fell down coming back from the bars. So I open the front door, and there are a few people standing outside Silva's bedroom door, the one that opens directly into the hallway. I see two people who I've never seen in my life standing in the doorway, I hear a girl laughing, and Silva, in a drunken stupor, saying something along the lines of, "MY room, look at this, it's my room. There's this, and those."

So I go back into my room and wait for the people to leave. When they do, Silva comes in my room. I asked him where the noise from before came from. He said:

"I had to kick my door down to get into my room. The front door was locked."

"Why did you kick the door down? Why didn't you just knock on the front door?"

"Well, I didn't want to make any noise and wake you up.....Hey look, King of the Hill. I love Hank Hill."

That makes sense.

PS - He also left the oven on for five hours yesterday.

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This man, when drunk, doesn't realize sound travels.

1 comment:

Mr. Silva said...

It seemed like the best course of action at the time