Saturday, April 16, 2005

Mets Fans Are the New Yankee Fans

So the Mets reach .500 and every Mets fan on Earth acts like they won a World Series in almost 20 years. Oh, wait, that wasn't them, that was every other team.

The IMs started at about 3am this morning: first Laz, then Jackobel, then the Madman, then my brother, the lists goes on...

DannyMayonaisse (5:40:32 PM): mets already got their big slump forthe season out of the way now we're just gonna keep winning until october

Keep being delusional. The Mets always burn out around mid-July and hit a wonderful 8 game losing streak. As if that wasn't enough, they'll do another one in early September.

And as for the Marlins, their offense hasn't even begun to hand out the devastating power they wield. Give it some time.

The NL East is colored black and teal this year.

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The Mets can't even do math. Retards.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

1986 was their 25th season douchebag.