Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Screw Work

I think I'm calling in sick tomorrow to work. All my friends have off, and I haven't seen anyone in like three days, seeing as I've had to be at work at 8 everyday this week.

Today didn't go so well there, anyway. I get there at 8, the manager who has the keys isn't there yet, so I lose about ten minutes pay, which may not sound like much, but at $8 an hour, it is. Shut up, it is.

Anyway, so I get in the receiving room, and none of the other guys are there. I wait around for a little bit, when the buzzer goes off, meaning the delivery for the day is there. Not knowing what the hell proper procedure is, I let the guy in. He's got two pallets sitting out in the 38 degree sleet, so all the boxes are soaking wet. He delivery has to scan every box, and as he does so, he literally throws the boxes at me.

So now I'm wet and cold, and he goes to get the other pallet off the truck. Next thing I hear is "Oh fuck!" in broken, foreigner English and turn to see the 500 lb. pallet fall out of the truck and onto the wet, dirty ground. The boxes get crushed, and books fly all over the place. But this didn't stop the guy from picking them up and continue to throw them at me. But the rest of work was OK.

If that story bored you, I don't care. It really annoyed me and it wasn't a pleasant thing to have happen at 8:30 in the morning.

By the way, I saw this new sign of the Apocalypse at work the other day. It makes me really sad that people can be brainwashed so easily. Who is this guy to tell people how to do anything with their lives? What credentials does he have to dispense advise? All he is is a loud mouth know-it-all who for some reason has garnered a huge following for acting like a tremendous douche, when in reality he has no clue what the fuck he is talking about. A guy who gets caught trying to cheat on his wife with some ugly bitch by being a perv on the phone, who if he followed his own advice, and was innocent like he said, would have fought the charges tooth and nail, but instead settled out of court (meaning paid her to keep quiet). Why are you giving in if you didn't do it, Bill? That doesn't go along with what you spout off every night. Why not fight to prove the charges are false? Oh, yes of course, you know you did it,

Yeah,this guy should be telling kids how to live their lives. What is more likely the case is that any kid who's friends find out they have this book is getting severely beaten on a daily basis.

I know this is old news, but I just saw the book the other day and it pisses me off that people would give this to their kids, thereby turning them into partisan assholes at an early age. It should be considered a form of child abuse. So should those "Chicken Soup for the ______'s Soul" books. You wouldn't believe the segments that those books have been made for.




Oh yeah, and by the way, our president, who is a multi-millionaire, is a stingy fuck.

Drrrrr, I'm a such a hypocrite.

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