Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Salt Stains on My Pants

I really don't have days that work out any better than this. Not only did I have my first class of the semester cancelled, thanks to my teacher being in India (?), but Silva and I also secured a domicile for next year. Although it will not have the camaraderie that the house would have had, it comes with a price tag cheaper by $1400. Plus, the landlord seems like the guy could be your father or a librarian, so you're pretty sure no funny business is going to go down. The landlord for the house on Elm is like 25, supposedly some big doofus, and like smokes weed with the guys and like spends all the money from the house on drugs and stereo equipment.

We had to pay Mr. William Q. Youngs $540 this morning to secure the apartment, so I'm low on funds at the present time. Hopefully this won't cut into the possible trip to Canada with Bowna next weekend.

I hung up a few WONY flyers around campus, but since we got like 2 1/2 inches of snow this afternoon, I opted to give that up early and instead kill some North Koreans in Mercenaries.

I have this sinking feeling that there was something important I had to do today that I didn't do, and that I fucked myself royally by just hanging out in the room. Oh well.

My gay ass RA roommate said there is a mandatory floor meeting we have to go to in about 45 min. Ppppppppphhhhh. Never ever.

Play this game. My score was 90. I bet it's better than what you'll get.

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