Friday, November 05, 2004

The Snows of New England

Oneonta has some of the most bizarre weather on Earth. Yesterday it was raining, and about 50 degrees. All night I heard the wind blowing, really, really hard, like strong enough to do damage. Then when I wake up this morning, I see this.

A good quarter inch of snow falls overnight. Actually, I find out from Gish who keeps the hours of a cocaine addict, it actually started at about 6:30 am. This was taken at 9:30.

This was taken out my room window. It was a pretty big shock to everyone, considering there wasn't anything near snow predicted for the day. It was SUPPOSED to be partly cloudy. Not in Oneonta, oh no. Mother Nature rolls the dice every morning to see what we'll have. Heat wave? Sure. Plague of locusts? Why not. To illustrate my point, this next picture was taken when I got back from class.

This was taken no joke 3 hours later the same day.

This is why all Oneonta students appear to be a little slow. Normal people wouldn't be able to take this. The fact that the student population is...not the brightest folk... is only because if we DIDN'T have mental problems, our suicide rate would put NYU to shame.

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