Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Morality Over Reality

With US troops on two fronts, an international community disgusted with us, and the economy in the toilet, people voted for morality.

People were more concerned with gay marriage than the Iraq War.

People were more concerned with abortion than with a terrorism policy that is simply not working.

How can this be?

I don't understand it. Do all you Bush supporters really think that these issues are more important than any others?

Right now we have an inward looking president acting globally. Bush is more concerned with appealing to his religious constituents than he is about how our policies right now are affecting the other 5.8 billion people in the world.

Bush said that if he was to be re-elected, that all of our policies would stay the same for four more years. I hope you all are happy, because if things stay the way they are right now, all us college students will find it hard to gets jobs. Actually, scratch that. We won't have to worry about that. We all might be in the armed forces fighting. And I'm sure so many of you think that is a joke; 'we'll never have a draft again.'

I think all Bush supporters should get drafted before anyone else. You are the ones who wanted to keep on this track of pre-emptive wars, so you are the ones who should get killed before I do, because I didn't want this. And you know what? Those people who voted for Bush will be the ones yelling loudest about how a draft is wrong, and will be the ones who find someway to get out of it. Fuck you.

I am seriously scared about this. We are at the prime draft age right now. If they have one in four years, we will be the ones called up for it. Period.

And if you're one of these people who says, "Well, if a draft happens, I don't care. I'm willing to fight and die for my country," then just enlist now. They need people right now, so if you are such a patriotic American, put your college career on hold, put your life on hold, and go fight. But of course you won't. Why? Because every single person I've talked to, that has said the above, and having the question of "Well then why not enlist now?", they all say the same thing.

"Well,, you're right. No, you're right."
"So then why not do it? Seriously?"

Guess what, hypocrites? It might happen now. It's not a fairy tale. The draft is not this thing that existed long ago that will never return. Bush could turn around in February and say we're attacking Iran, and we need troops. Don't think that will happen? Wait four years.

We will all be 24, 25, 26 then. Think of how long that is. And this president who has TWO wars on his hands will hesitate to start a third? No way. Because what if we need to fight a real, legit war? Say North Korea says they are going to nuke us? That is something we have to fight. But we will be spread so thin that we won't have a choice but enact the draft.

Also, look at our economy. My dad is about to lose his job at United Airlines because of this economy. He's already working 18 hour days to make ends meet. But everyone who lives in a family who has money, this doesn't phase them, because abortion is wrong, so as long as we stop that, all the other shit is OK.

Hey, remember when gas being $1.40 was expensive? We're never going to see those prices again. But hey, if you've got a BMW or a Lexus or a gargantuan SUV, that really doesn't bother you, right? You could afford $6 a gallon. Fuck the environment, I want a car that could run over a Stegosaurus.

And hey, terrorism, right? Bush SAID he's hard on terrorists, so then he must be, right? Oh wait, now Iraq is a breeding ground of anti-American extremists, and airports are still not checking passengers properly, and explosives are missing in Iraq, and nuclear materials are in the hands of North Korea and Iran, one of the most fanatical countries about their religion (add America on that list), and nuclear materials aren't missing from Russia, and we don't still have the terrorist alert levels, right? Because since we're doing so good in the war on terror, there's no way terrorists are getting inside our borders, right?

But I guess you're right. Gay people not marrying IS more important. Two guys kissing is REALLY icky.

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