Thursday, September 09, 2004


Well, it seems Rob the Madman has also decided to start doing this online blog thing. I feel gay doing this, but taking the idea from someone else is even gayer. From what he has up there now, it seems like his blog will mostly consist of political ramblings. How the mighty have fallen.
Check out Rob's blog:

I love the Marlins. They are all I have left in the bleak world of South Florida sports. But with Shaq on the Heat now, I might have to become a basketball fan. I could have a trifecta of respectable teams if Ricky Will-Yams wasn't sitting in Amsterdam now. Go fuck yourself Lenny Kravitz.

I got in a fight about politics with this kid in a bar last Friday. More or less the way the conversation panned out was that in the end he agreed that he had no answers for much of the stuff I was throwing at him, but said, "I still don't care. Bush rules." I've run into so many of these people that willingly acknowledge that much of the stuff Bush has done doesn't make sense, but who cares? It makes me hate people more. I'm not saying change your whole belief structure over one conversation, but damn don't just completely dismiss it. Think about things.

This prick kid who is now officially the RA in the other side of the quad is fighting with his girlfriend on the phone. Dick. Get out. Asshole.

Oh yeah, and thanks to my little visit to ResLife yesterday, we now have a microwave in the hall again. I'm getting sick of living in the dorms.

Pro: Everything taken care of before hand (electricity, heat, cable, internet), free washing machines, 2 second walk to class

Con: Treated like fucking 4 year olds

They try to tell us that since one kid fucked up the microwave, then 300 others don't get to use it 'until further notice.' WRONG. 'Hello, ResLife? Yes, they're taking something away from us that they technicially can't, because its in their sacred Student Handbook they treat like the bible.' Next day -- one microwave.

And even ResLife tried to dick with me. They said "it's a long process getting funding for a microwave." Yes, a $30 investment at Wal-Mart will really leave us strapped for cash. Nope.

That's it. Done venting for the night.

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