Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Thank you for tuning in. Here are today's top stories:

  • Had a rough weekend. Been doing a lot of thinking and coming to some realizations.
  • However, things are not as bad as they seem. The list of New York Emmy Award nominations was released over the weekend. WPIX (WB 11) led with 29 nominations. But guess who was number 2? Not NBC, not CBS. No no. They're garbage. News 12 had 24 nominations, which is awesome. I went through the list of what was specifically nominated, and a few of them I remember working on in one capacity or another. I am part of the Emmy Award process. That is scary.
  • I lack the ability to fold shirts. I did my laundry over the weekend, two weeks worth of clothes, and it took me hours to get everything folded. Long sleeve t-shirts are the worst. I try to do this quick little move where you do this thing where you like flick your wrists real quick or something, and somehow the sleeves and everything end up perfectly symmetrical. When I try to do it, the sleeves end up hanging over the bottom of the shirt, the sides are all crooked, and I can't get a neat, clean fold-over, and the whole shirt ends up loose and floppy. Anyway, it took forever and everything is wrinkled.
  • I gave a presentation in Arakaki's class Monday, to much critical acclaim. His current TA and a few of the students told me they really liked it and that I should be a professor. Apparently, I can do it all: television, teaching college courses, play the fiddle, it's amazing.
  • I get this e-mail yesterday:

I recently received some comments about content from a professional staff member about the language on the station and although most of the situations referenced are allowed (f and n words in the music not from the DJ after 10 PM), the following would not be allowed:

Tuesday (1/31) – one of the DJ’s was named Silva. At 4:45ish in the afternoon. I am driving home w/ my kid in the back seat and the DJ’s tell a story and use the quote “What the F### does your shirt say in the story.

Can you look into this and let me know what the outcome is? Thankfully, this person feels comfortable letting me know and not the FCC.

As it turns out, we had a tape of the show in question, and Silva actually said, "What the F?", not the entire word. The new Student Association advisor sent this. Now we have the scadministrationtration watching our every move. Not good.

  • I'm going to try a major cooking endeavor this weekend. This is going to be an extremely experimental project, and I have no clue how it will turn out. But I'm going to document the entire process with pictures so I can show everyone the culinary disaster.
I know the updates haven't been too frequent, and I'll try to do more when I get the chance.

PS - If you check the site counter at the bottom of the site, we just recently had our 5000th hit. Pretty surprising considering there is only a single link out there (that I'm aware of.) I'm glad some people like reading this nonsense. Gracias.

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