Thursday, February 09, 2006

I 'Lost' Mine

I don't really watch many TV shows these days. The only things I really watch are reruns of Seinfeld, The Simpsons, and Curb Your Enthusiasm. Other than that I think most of the shows on network TV today are really dumb and a waste of time.

I knew some people who watched Lost when it first came out, and in classic David fashion, I criticized them for it; something I continued to do up until two weeks ago. For some reason, I had some extra time on my hands, and I guess I had heard Gish and Silva talking about what was going on in the show so much, I was compelled to see what all the hype was about.

I ended up watching the entire first season in one weekend. I caught up on the currently airing season two four days later. Obviously I must have liked it.

However, I wouldn't say I LOVE the show now. Yes, it is decent. And yes, the cliffhangers leave you wanting to know what the hell is going on. But I didn't think any of the acting, or most of the backstory scenes, were anything special. The thing I like most about this show is that it serves as something to speculate about with other people who follow it. Once you know most of the story, talking about particular characters or trying to figure out what the deal is with the island is the most rewarding part of watching Lost.

My favorite character by far is Locke, whom I also refer to as old Solid Snake. He comes up with all this philosophical talk, hunts wild boar, and just does basically everything one needs to do to be an awesome guy. Hurley is also a good character. It seems the writers have used him not only as the comic relief, but also have made him serve sort of as the voice for the audience on the island. Hurley is the one who will sporadically say things like, "What the hell is the deal here? There's this thing ripping up trees running through the forest, some French lady is talking, polar bears are running all over the place, I mean, WHAT THE HELL?!?"

I would suggest that if you feel like getting sucked into a mystery in a tropical paradise, watch 'Lost.' At the very least, it'll give you something to talk about with your friends.

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Play Metal Gear theme song now.


Lisa Rocks said...

Rob the Madman's argument to me that Lost id better than Law and Order because it has a polar bear.
How can a tropical place have a polar bear?

Dave said...

That's the mystery...

I mean, haven't you seen enough lawyers arguning in a courtroom, or cops tracking down kidnappers?

Lisa Rocks said...

it never gets old.

Anonymous said...

Dave I like your blog, you're the only person i know who has one, it's well written; and what a healthy way to get shit off your chest. I'm skeptical about Lost and I bet if I watched the show I'd have your same opinion: I'd be drawn in but still only think it would be decent.