Monday, December 12, 2005

This Guy is Dangerous

This will be quick, but I saw this and I had to comment.

I was just reading an MSNBC article on a comment Bush made at a speech about Iraq losing 30,000 people since the war began. He then was asked questions from the audience, one being his administration's link of Iraq and Saddam to 9/11. This is what that moron said:

'Another questioner challenged the administration's linkage of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks with the Iraq war. Bush said that Saddam Hussein was a threat and he was widely believed to have weapons of mass destruction, a belief that later proved false.

"I made a tough decision," Bush said. "And knowing what I know today I'd make the decision again. Removing Saddam Hussein makes this world a better place and America a safer country."'

So basically what he's saying is the WMDs really didn't matter in the decision to go to war: he just wanted Saddam out of power. Hey, the dude was a bad guy, and its better he's gone, right?

Well, by that logic, I hope the military is lining up to invade Cuba, Lybia, Iran, Syria, China, North Korea, and others who are bad. All of those countries are well-known to commit human rights violations and do not spread the democracy of justice's freedom, or whatever crap phrases Bush is using these days.

What gives Bush the authority to remove any world leader from power because he perceives them as a threat? Being president doesn't mean you just get to do whatever you want. He probably fell asleep in American Government class.

Watch out, world! If we don't like ya, we're comin' to get ya! Regardless if there is a good reason or or not!


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