Wednesday, October 05, 2005

My Life Has Been Consumed By the Allegory of the Cave

this is an audio post - click to play


Lisa Rocks said...

why are you taking world lit and philosophy as a senior?

Dave said...

Because I ran out of classes to take. There were no more Mass Comm. classes, and I needed to take something, so that's what I decided on. Plus, the way my schedule is set up, I have Fridays off.

But I didn't think Philosophy was going to be this tough.

Lisa Rocks said...

Well, that;s good you have fridays off. I think it would be funny if you took something like Apparel Construction.

Dave said...

I think it would be funny if you took something like STUPID JERK 101!!!! HOWDA YA LIKE DEM APPLES?!?!??!

Lisa Rocks said...

oh that was a ZINGER