Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Regular Guy My Ass

One of the things most Bush supporters I have talked to say is that one of Bush's most likeable qualities is that he seems just like a regular guy: hard working man who gets his hands dirty, who you can see yourself sitting at a barstool with after work, having a beer and shooting the breeze.

People who say this are a good example of the medical disorder called dementia.

Despite the fact that maybe the role of president shouldn't be occupied by a "regular guy" in the first place, the truth is Bush is not a regular guy at all.

Now I could argue it here with different facts and whatnot, but I believe the best way to make my point is by an illustration.

The link below is a photograph taken of the Bush ranch in Texas. Keep in mind ALL the land in the photo is part of the ranch:

Massive Bush Ranch

The thing is the size of that Living Forest in Lord of the Rings.

Now I don't know about the regular guys you know, but I don't know to many that own miles and miles and miles of land as their VACATION HOME. This isn't even his usual place of residence. And I'm not talking about the White House, either. They also own tons of land in the Northeast.

So, for all you suffering from dementia, I hope this was your cure. Probably not, though. You'll believe what you want no matter how many facts are shoved in your face.

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