Saturday, April 30, 2005

"I'm Really Down on These Asian Pitchers"

Quote attributed to Christopher Gish.

I don't know what's going on, but it seems recently many of my friends, myself included, are just down on life. Yesterday walking from Matt's to Miller's, I realized I feel so indifferent towards everything. Like when I saw the car last weekend, I didn't get mad or upset, just a feeling of, "Why won't stuff like this stop happening?"

Silva said the same thing last night. And Gish said the same thing this morning. None of us really care about anything anymore. I'm just tired of doing work; I'm burned out. I don't feel like doing anything, nothing is fun. I'm sick of it. I know Silva is burned out, too. Gish........Gish I'm not sure. Maybe he's tired of.......I don't know........eating wraps.

I'm ready to go home. Luckily, most of my finals are going to be in-class. It looks like the only one I'm going to have during the allotted time is Fundamentals of Management, on May 16th. If that one wasn't during finals, I could leave on the 11th, which would be true ass.

I start at News 12 on May 23rd, which kind of sucks because I'm not going to get that much free time before I get into Summer Work Mode. I'd like a good two weeks to just lie around, maybe go on a trip for a few days with the bownas, but it won't be enough time. I'm also too broke. Cutting it close this year, have about $200 in the bank. But the money I made over last summer lasted me this long again, so whatevas.

It just hit me like a wave. I want to go home so bad. Fuck this fucking small ass dorm room. I'm sick of dealing with all the crap here.

I'm going to go play Metal Gear Solid 3 and do laundry.

On a sidenote, anyone who has gone to school with someone from upstate New York knows that they refer to soda as "pop". We all know this is wrong and homosexual. But about half the country says pop instead of soda. Here is a map of the US with a county-by-county breakdown of what is the prevailing vernacular.

Carbonated Beverage Phrase Map

Most of the states that voted for Bush also say pop. Big surprise.

Here is a picture of some kids in Halloween costumes. I don't know what the little fag dressed like a vampire is thinking. Vampires don't wear top hats.

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