Thursday, February 03, 2005

People Are Stupid

First, I'll give an example of how I am stupid, then the stupidity of others.

I woke up this morning to go to my 9am class. I get up, get dressed, take my bag, and off to class. I got there a bit early, since we had a quiz I wanted to review for. I'm sitting there for a few minutes, and no one else trickles in. I start to wonder what the hell is going on.

I look at my watch.

7:47 am.

I felt like such an asshole. And even as I was walking to class, I'm looking around and I only saw like 3 or 4 other people, and no cars driving. Like an asshole, I thought "Hmm. I guess nobody's showing up for their classes this morning."

But I am not the only idiot. When I got back to my room, I spent some time just browsing the Internet. As the real class time approached, I started to get ready, and put up an away message. I came up with the idea to use the infamous %n function, and put up some classic drunken IM jargon.

%n: hey
%n: helooooooooooo
%n: imn drunnnnnnnnnnnnk rihgt now
%n: and i fucknig love ti
%n: i spiled alloverr my shirt n pants ,too

Seriously, stop IMming me when you go out, its annoying

As I was doing it, I had a feeling people would fall for this. It just seemed too genuine. I had feeling people would think I was trying to be funny by putting shit up there they know they didn't say. Sure enough, when I got back to the room:

Hecubus330 (8:44:27 AM): we all know that's fake cause i don't use this screename when drunk. ass.
later, from the same person, mind you....
snail shelled (3:16:53 PM): oh you got me this time abrams

silvamania (11:29:55 AM): lol whent he fuck did i say that
notice he writes sober like he does when he's drunk.
silvamania (11:30:18 AM): ooooh u trickster
I would've loved to have been in the room to see his face when it dawned on him

I bet I fooled other people, although they were too smart to send an IM.

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