Thursday, October 28, 2004

Don't Wave At Me, Asshole

I'm so ready for this election to be over its not even funny. I have to admit that I honestly haven't followed any political news for about the last two weeks, it honestly makes me nauseous. I watched Crossfire for about five minutes yesterday, and I had to turn it off. I can't take this bipartisan nipping at each other about the insignificant anymore. The only thing that has really gone on in the last two weeks has been these explosives going missing, other than that its been "Bush is a dummy", "Kerry looks silly throwing a baseball". I can't listen to it anymore. Who cares?

Its not just Republicans ignoring the important anymore. Democrats have been talking about what? A fucking box on Bush's back during one of the debates. WHO THE FUCK CARES? Why not point out how royally fucked we are in Iraq right now. Stick to this, and hopefully people will notice. But do they do that? No. They're more concerned about finding out why Bush won't release his 2nd grade report card.

I really, really hope Kerry wins. If he doesn't.......I don't know. I'll be truly nervous about world affairs for the next four years. I pray to God that we don't have a draft. I can't even imagine.

The wait for this election has been like sitting outside a bathroom waiting to hear from the skank from Saturday if she's pregnant; so full of worry, doubt, anger, and a feeling like you want to yell "SCREW YOU, TRAMP!" and run away.

Please please please anyone who reads this and is thinking about voting, vote for Kerry. Forget all that other shit that doesn't matter right now: we can worry about fags marrying, your rights to own a rocket launcher, and dead fetuses later. If we keep on this pre-emptive kick and screw up international relations, fuck up countries so its EASIER for terrorists to recruit people in them, and spending money they way we are right now, all that other shit won't matter because we'll all be dead or fighting in a war in the middle of some Mr. Ronai ancient desert.

I don't have much faith in people to make the right choice. I hope I'm proven wrong this time.

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