Sunday, March 20, 2005

Poor Man's Spring Break

Since I'm too poor to afford any trips for next week's break, I guess this weekend was the universe's way to even things out. Kind of. Even though it was fun, it still doesn't compare to going on a trip to a tropical beach.

St. Patty's Day was pretty fun, even though I didn't drink. I headed down to Kodi's about five to hang out for an hour before my radio show which Silva so cowardly weaseled out of. All week he doesn't say a word to me about not doing the show on St. Pat's, then waits until I put up an away message on Thursday afternoon to leave an IM saying something along the lines of:

"dude dont know if im going to make the show tonight ill cover a show of yours whenever you want i swear"

I unexpectedly drop by the house, Silva's already half in the bag, and I fuck with him a little bit by turning the tables and asking him if he minds doing the show alone because I want to party. He made this classic face of awkwardness, shrugged, and said "Uhhhhhhhhhhh........I was.........kinda hopin''d do it."

I told him I would but called him a coward for bailing at the last second, he laughed and said he was scared to confront me, like I'm his dad and he's telling me he got a girl pregnant. But I was given mad props for calling him all on it, and it made me feel happy inside. I love mad props.

Kodi was a complete mess, running around in some 1978 track uniform. Luckily I showed up when he had clothes on, because he not only ran down Church St. nude, but also told me later how he pulled out his dick playing beer pong, and since it was flaccid, he was pulling on it like Silly Putty to try and stretch it out. Kodi is seriously one of a kind.

After I left, people hung out, Bill got electrocuted and had to go to the hospital, blah blah blah, just your usual St. Patty's Day stuff.

Friday and Saturday were also spent at the house just hanging out, nothing too crazy, but just fun.

Oh fuck. Except that Kodi was smashed on Saturday night and started eating weeks old tomatoes whole for no reason. Everyone convened in the kitchen to watch him down three moldy tomatoes. Everyone laughed. Then trying to keep the fun going, we took down a bottle of vinegar off the fridge. This kid fucking starts to chug vinegar. Just watching it made literally everyone gag. Then he squeezes maple syrup into his mouth. Then starts taking swigs of soy sauce.

Then throws up half-digested tomatoes all over the kitchen floor.

He later told me that it was the soy sauce that threw him over the edge. I would have thought soy sauce would have been easier going down than distilled vinegar, but live and learn.

We headed down to the OST afterwards. Me, Silva, Dustin, and Lisa K. sat around a table and watch some fat girl in tight ass clothes make out with six different guys, as well as make an attempt to dance, which just resulted in witnessing cellulite ripple like a stone thrown into a pond. It disgusted us so much we started to freestyle rap about how gross it was. True, we are just two white dorks and an Asian dude, but we spit mad shit.

Which brought an end to my poor man's spring break. Sure, it didn't involve a sunny beach or a foam party, but I bet you never get to see a kid drink vinegar in Cabo.

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