Friday, March 04, 2005

Missing like Everything But the Girl

It's been almost two weeks since I've posted anything worth mentioning. But I had one of those 'Back From Break' weeks. The kind where the teacher is trying to get everyone back into the swing of things by having a big test or something due when you get back from a break.

Unfortunately, all of my techers took this mentality, so I've been swamped; two tests, reading, speeches, etc.

But since I got over the hump of all that, I'll be able to post more regularly again.

Not that I've had much to talk about anyway. Unless you find studying Herzberg's 2 Factor Theory or learning about the North and South Bridges of a computer's chip set interesting.

So until next time.

Here is the manliest video of all time to occupy you until then.

Apache Gattling Gun

If we have shit like this, and are still not beating the shit out of Iraqi insurgents, something is wrong in the world.

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