So much has been going on, yet I spend the small amount of free time I have talking to Jackobel about this. What a waste of time:
Isle1183 (11:10:57 PM): in about 36 hours there will be johnsoan in my gri-all
Fantom05 (11:11:04 PM): oh foo
Fantom05 (11:11:11 PM): sho nuff
Isle1183 (11:11:17 PM): sho nuff indeed
Isle1183 (11:11:56 PM): i might have to go at 930 am
Isle1183 (11:12:03 PM): and fuck studying for my test
Fantom05 (11:12:57 PM): if i dont have to shoot video tuesday morning, i will be in the parking lot a 9am
Isle1183 (11:13:02 PM): hahaha
Isle1183 (11:13:10 PM): ign has seven new videos
Fantom05 (11:13:25 PM): really
Fantom05 (11:13:29 PM): are they worth downloadig
Isle1183 (11:13:32 PM): oh yeah, all insane jumps
Isle1183 (11:14:08 PM): jumping over the grand canyoan
Isle1183 (11:14:09 PM): holy shit
Isle1183 (11:14:15 PM): oh my god
Fantom05 (11:14:17 PM): no
Isle1183 (11:14:17 PM): i can't deal with this
Fantom05 (11:14:25 PM): gand can-yoan?
Isle1183 (11:14:29 PM): canyoan
Isle1183 (11:14:31 PM): in your face
Fantom05 (11:14:32 PM): hahahaha
Fantom05 (11:14:41 PM): is it huger?
Isle1183 (11:15:03 PM): it looks like it's the size of vice city
Isle1183 (11:15:49 PM): oh my god
Isle1183 (11:15:53 PM): it's so large
Fantom05 (11:15:53 PM): a-BUHHHHHHH?
Isle1183 (11:15:58 PM): whaa
Fantom05 (11:16:11 PM): ive gotta download it now
Isle1183 (11:16:17 PM): go see it
Fantom05 (11:17:13 PM): where do you download them
Fantom05 (11:17:20 PM): ah
Fantom05 (11:17:21 PM): videos
Isle1183 (11:17:29 PM): look at the canyoan first
Fantom05 (11:17:34 PM): i am
Isle1183 (11:17:42 PM): i can't deal with this for another day
Fantom05 (11:18:11 PM): it wont steve
Isle1183 (11:18:20 PM): click underneat on left click here to save
Fantom05 (11:18:25 PM): ok
Isle1183 (11:18:42 PM): did you do windows media player
Fantom05 (11:18:55 PM): yaaa
Isle1183 (11:19:02 PM): did you get it
Fantom05 (11:19:04 PM): its not working
Isle1183 (11:19:11 PM): hold on
Fantom05 (11:19:15 PM): it just says transferring dats, then done
Isle1183 wants to send file C:\Documents and Settings\David Abrams\My Documents\download\fantom05\Canyoan.wmv (11:19:48 PM).
Isle1183 (11:19:52 PM): eat it
Fantom05 (11:20:12 PM): oh oof
Isle1183 (11:20:13 PM): oh man
Fantom05 (11:20:16 PM): its downloding
Isle1183 (11:20:19 PM): oh you can see the canyoan
Fantom05 (11:20:22 PM): is it really that good
Isle1183 (11:20:35 PM): it's johnsoan, of course it's good
Fantom05 (11:20:40 PM): hahahahahahahaha
Fantom05 (11:20:55 PM): now if anything's good, it's "johnsoan"
Fantom05 (11:21:04 PM): "those were some johnsoan eggs we had today"
Isle1183 (11:21:08 PM): my brother just got a G4 notebooks
Fantom05 (11:21:13 PM): no
Fantom05 (11:21:15 PM): really
Fantom05 (11:21:17 PM): faig
Isle1183 (11:21:20 PM): well his g4 is a johnsoan
Fantom05 (11:21:20 PM): i want one
Fantom05 (11:21:30 PM): it would be a johnsoan if it was mine
Isle1183 (11:21:38 PM): he gets 15% for working in the post office which is definitely johsoan
Fantom05 (11:21:56 PM): he gets a johnsoan for working at the post office?
Isle1183 (11:22:04 PM): sho nuff
Fantom05 (11:22:19 PM): he's a fucking food eater
Fantom05 (11:22:25 PM): have you talked to joe gibbs lately
Isle1183 (11:22:26 PM): he does eat food
Isle1183 (11:22:29 PM): nah
Isle1183 (11:22:29 PM): have you
Fantom05 (11:22:33 PM): nope
Isle1183 (11:22:36 PM): he's too in love with liaz
Fantom05 (11:22:38 PM): i bet hes been eating it
Isle1183 (11:22:43 PM): oh here comes your johnsoan
Fantom05 received C:\Documents and Settings\David Abrams\My Documents\download\fantom05\Canyoan.wmv (11:22:53 PM).
Fantom05 (11:22:54 PM): hahaha
Isle1183 (11:22:57 PM): eat it
Fantom05 (11:23:14 PM): nice how you named the file canyoan?
Isle1183 (11:23:21 PM): oh yah
Isle1183 (11:23:36 PM): look how big the canyoan is
Fantom05 (11:23:54 PM): HOLY SHIT
Isle1183 (11:23:57 PM): oh yah
Isle1183 (11:23:59 PM): you doubted
Fantom05 (11:24:05 PM): you just keep dropping
Isle1183 (11:24:10 PM): now you see how truly johsoan, johnsoan is
Fantom05 (11:24:18 PM): like how can you even know what your johnsoan is doing?
Fantom05 (11:24:34 PM): im gonna watch it again
Isle1183 (11:24:35 PM): the johnsoan finds his way
Isle1183 (11:24:41 PM): i already watched it like 10 times
Fantom05 (11:25:09 PM): holy fuck thats so big
Isle1183 (11:25:15 PM): i think that's the biggest johnsoan i've ever seen
Fantom05 (11:25:17 PM): i cant even magine
Fantom05 (11:25:28 PM): and you only get $52 for it
Isle1183 (11:25:48 PM): i hope it's not a bomber like that though...half the land is just barren and the cities are still the same size as the last games
Isle1183 (11:26:11 PM): that would be anti-johnsoan
Fantom05 (11:26:23 PM): so what, you think theyre hyping ti to be huge, but its huge only cause theres a lot of open nothing?
Isle1183 (11:26:34 PM): i'm saying i hope that's not what happnes
Fantom05 (11:26:41 PM): let me tell you something seriously for a moment
Fantom05 (11:27:06 PM): if i ever, EVER, hear another bad wold about johnsaon out of your moth again, i will rip your face off
Fantom05 (11:27:23 PM): but even if it is
Isle1183 (11:27:26 PM): my baigs, i overstepped my johnsoan boundaries
Fantom05 (11:27:28 PM): theres still 3 cities
Fantom05 (11:27:44 PM): so figure at worst, its 3 vice cities together
Isle1183 (11:27:51 PM): true ass
Isle1183 (11:27:53 PM): true ass
Fantom05 (11:27:58 PM): haha
Fantom05 (11:28:14 PM): its been dripping into my normal conscious thought the last week
Isle1183 (11:28:21 PM): what
Fantom05 (11:28:24 PM): like taking up a lot of time in my thoughts
Fantom05 (11:28:29 PM): the johnsoan
Fantom05 (11:28:32 PM): coming out
Fantom05 (11:28:41 PM): in 25 hours
Isle1183 (11:28:50 PM): dude, every day i spend like a half hour thinking about how much better life will be with carl johnsoan in it
Fantom05 (11:28:56 PM): hahahahahahahahahaha
Isle1183 (11:29:02 PM): then when solid snake comes into my life, i may have to become a polygamist
Fantom05 (11:29:11 PM): yes
Fantom05 (11:29:14 PM): no thanksgiving
Fantom05 (11:29:17 PM): ill eat it in my room
Isle1183 (11:29:20 PM): hahah, see you in december
Fantom05 (11:29:29 PM): i wont see you over break
Fantom05 (11:29:32 PM): just talk on the phone
Fantom05 (11:29:38 PM): in our respective rooms
Isle1183 (11:29:48 PM): well then
Fantom05 (11:29:50 PM): about salad snack and johnsoan
Isle1183 (11:29:58 PM): hahahaha
Isle1183 (11:30:04 PM): salad snack
Isle1183 (11:30:05 PM): why
Fantom05 (11:30:06 PM): haha
Fantom05 (11:30:12 PM): because
Isle1183 (11:30:19 PM): dude, halo 2 will get none of my time
Isle1183 (11:30:24 PM): like a bastard stepchild
Fantom05 (11:30:27 PM): boo urns on halo
Fantom05 (11:30:55 PM): salad snack could take that master chief in like 2 mintues
Isle1183 (11:31:00 PM): i feel bad for the prince of puuuursia
Fantom05 (11:31:01 PM): he'd just hide from him in his camo
Fantom05 (11:31:05 PM): me too
Isle1183 (11:31:12 PM): no love for the prince
Fantom05 (11:31:13 PM): if it had its time in the summer
Fantom05 (11:31:19 PM): it would have ruled the roost
Isle1183 (11:31:25 PM): over psi aps
Isle1183 (11:31:31 PM): and spider-mang
Fantom05 (11:31:35 PM): oh yah, it actually looks pretty good
Fantom05 (11:31:43 PM): but it cant hold a candle to snack and johnsoan
Isle1183 (11:32:01 PM): i have way to many expenses in the next few weeks
Fantom05 (11:32:07 PM): hahahaha
Isle1183 (11:32:20 PM): but there will be nothing to spend money on after that because i'll be in my room 20 hours a day
Fantom05 (11:32:38 PM): no food, no girlfriends
Fantom05 (11:32:45 PM): johnsoan only
Isle1183 (11:32:49 PM): just me and my johnsoan
Isle1183 (11:32:54 PM): with corn rows
Fantom05 (11:33:11 PM): im gonna set up 'johnsoan only' hours so people that i know will have an idea when not to disturb me
Isle1183 (11:33:18 PM): hahahaah
Isle1183 (11:33:30 PM): do not disturb, johnsoan in the house
Fantom05 (11:34:00 PM): johnsoan robbing the house
Fantom05 (11:34:10 PM): johnsoan jumping over mt. everest
Isle1183 (11:34:22 PM): johnsoan eating doknots
Fantom05 (11:34:32 PM): johnsoan jumpig off the golden gate bridge
Isle1183 (11:34:44 PM): johnsoan playing craps in the street
Fantom05 (11:34:48 PM): hahahaha
Fantom05 (11:34:51 PM): can you do that?
Isle1183 (11:34:57 PM): i would hope so
Isle1183 (11:34:59 PM): there's casinos and stuff
Fantom05 (11:35:04 PM): you can play basketball
Fantom05 (11:35:06 PM): and box
Fantom05 (11:35:11 PM): and shoot pool
Isle1183 (11:35:20 PM): baseketball and baxe and shat pol
Fantom05 (11:35:30 PM): what is wrong with us
Isle1183 (11:35:33 PM): i dont' konw
Fantom05 (11:35:34 PM): shat pole
Isle1183 (11:35:43 PM): i've been asking myself that a lot lately
Fantom05 (11:35:45 PM): hahaha
Fantom05 (11:35:55 PM): ive been asking myself wheres my johnsoan when i need him
Isle1183 (11:35:59 PM): we sit on the couch and just spit out nonsense
Fantom05 (11:36:06 PM): hahahahaha
Isle1183 (11:36:20 PM): kind of like when we rapped to lloyd banks in sentences
Fantom05 (11:36:21 PM): well if johnsoan is nonsense, i dont wanna make sense
Fantom05 (11:36:42 PM): kind of like im sure will pick right up over thanksgiving
Isle1183 (11:36:52 PM): true ass
Fantom05 (11:37:59 PM): and krsitin and kathleen and feel deserted
Isle1183 (11:38:00 PM): oh man, metal gear may come out on the baxe
Fantom05 (11:38:03 PM): and we can care less
Isle1183 (11:38:09 PM): less caring here
Fantom05 (11:38:13 PM): hahahahahahahahaha
Fantom05 (11:38:24 PM): what is snack doing on the baxe?
Isle1183 (11:38:52 PM): word on the street, supposedly the promo boxes has both ps2 and xbaxe logos on them
Isle1183 (11:39:06 PM): they're saying it was a misprint but i don't konw about hat
Fantom05 (11:39:07 PM): really
Fantom05 (11:39:16 PM): what would you get it for
Isle1183 (11:39:16 PM): how can you forget that there's a baxe logo
Isle1183 (11:39:25 PM): well it's not gonna be on the baxe for a while
Fantom05 (11:39:50 PM): why would the logo even be in the room if it was not up for grabes?
Isle1183 (11:40:09 PM): wha
Fantom05 (11:41:02 PM): like why would they have a baxe logo in the program where they put the cover art together if it wasnt going to be released for baxe soon?
Isle1183 (11:41:13 PM): true ass
Isle1183 (11:41:15 PM): true ass
Isle1183 (11:41:24 PM): they wanted to slip it in there to create a stir
Fantom05 (11:41:40 PM): you can stir my ace with your johnsoan
Isle1183 (11:42:13 PM): let's be honest, i might have a celebratioan at midgnat for the 24 countdown to johnsoan
Fantom05 (11:42:30 PM): i will call you
Fantom05 (11:42:40 PM): we can share the experi-anses
Isle1183 (11:43:06 PM): i'm locking myself in my room on tuesday night, through wednesday night
Fantom05 (11:43:10 PM): ill be in bed so early so i can throw myself out of bed for the johnsoan puck up
Fantom05 (11:43:23 PM): thats pick up
Fantom05 (11:43:26 PM): pick up
Isle1183 (11:43:26 PM): how fa is the eb games
Fantom05 (11:43:32 PM): na EB son
Fantom05 (11:43:35 PM): na EB
Isle1183 (11:43:38 PM): gamestap
Fantom05 (11:43:39 PM): KB Toys
Isle1183 (11:43:42 PM): wha
Fantom05 (11:43:45 PM): oh yah
Isle1183 (11:43:47 PM): how fa
Fantom05 (11:43:50 PM): kay-bay
Fantom05 (11:43:55 PM): like 10 min
Isle1183 (11:43:59 PM): oh fucking face
Fantom05 (11:44:07 PM): thats right eater
Fantom05 (11:44:16 PM): we should race to see who gets the johnsoan first
Isle1183 (11:44:27 PM): not i, i have a test
Isle1183 (11:44:32 PM): i haven't decided what im gonna do
Fantom05 (11:44:48 PM): i have clase at 2, but ill go to that and that'll be it
Fantom05 (11:44:53 PM): im skipping my radio show
Fantom05 (11:44:56 PM): fuck it
Isle1183 (11:44:57 PM): nice
Isle1183 (11:45:00 PM): my teacher drops one test
Isle1183 (11:45:18 PM): so clearly my feelings on tuesday mownin at 9 am will decide if this is the one
Fantom05 (11:45:24 PM): hahahahahahahaha
Fantom05 (11:45:45 PM): and i can assure you your feelings will be 'holy shit its out i have to go right now'
Isle1183 (11:45:52 PM): i hope not
Fantom05 (11:46:00 PM): 'its sitting in a store and i dont own it yet'
Fantom05 (11:46:06 PM): what class is it
Isle1183 (11:46:11 PM): maaaketing
Isle1183 (11:46:26 PM): i swindled my way into a dinner with kathleen on tuesday night so i could go get it
Fantom05 (11:46:43 PM): tell the teacher you missed the test because some surperb marketing pulled you away and took over your brain
Isle1183 (11:46:49 PM): hahahahahah
Fantom05 (11:47:08 PM): write an essay about it to make up for the test
Isle1183 (11:47:14 PM): oh man
Fantom05 (11:47:17 PM): and then just ramble in the test about the canyoan jump
Isle1183 (11:47:26 PM): but i'm goign out to dinner that night like 2 minutes from johnsoan
Isle1183 (11:47:33 PM): i can't cancel dinner again
Fantom05 (11:47:34 PM): FAG
Isle1183 (11:47:38 PM): i missed on friday
Fantom05 (11:47:57 PM): youre going to leave johnsoan for what will be an hour and a half of anti-johnsoan activities?
Isle1183 (11:48:11 PM): well this is how i see it
Fantom05 (11:48:11 PM): youre not even worth talking to anymore
Isle1183 (11:48:13 PM): ....
Isle1183 (11:49:09 PM): if i go out there after my test...i'll be within an arms length of johnsoan at like i have to decide whether johnsoan pulls me in before dinner because if i get it before dinner there will clearly be no dinner as i will have to promptly return home. so i may have to leave johnsoan in teh store until after dinner
Fantom05 (11:49:34 PM): hold on hold on
Fantom05 (11:50:00 PM): youre telling me youre going to wait til about 6pm that evening to bring johnsoan home with you?
Isle1183 (11:50:09 PM): by the time i get home 8
Fantom05 (11:50:13 PM): wow
Fantom05 (11:50:19 PM): who is this?
Isle1183 (11:50:35 PM): well clearly i will be bringing the game into dinner with me and make kathleen drive home so i can read the manual
Fantom05 (11:51:05 PM): i know this isnt the kid who sat with mer in a car ride from pennslyvania for 2 hours yelling "johnsoan.....trentoan......clintoan" in anticiaption for this game
Isle1183 (11:51:14 PM): oh, binghamtoan
Fantom05 (11:51:37 PM): you going to dinner that night?
Isle1183 (11:51:46 PM): hear me out
Fantom05 (11:51:46 PM): its an abombina-shoan
Isle1183 (11:51:50 PM): hahha
Isle1183 (11:52:28 PM): i misse dinner on friday...i am going to be in the area to pick up johnsoan on order to save more time for johnsoan, i sacrificed on tuesday so i wouldn't have to go for 2 hours after i already got into my johnsoan
Fantom05 (11:52:43 PM): why not go tomorrow
Isle1183 (11:52:52 PM): then i have to drive out to there twice
Fantom05 (11:52:53 PM): pre-johnsoan dining
Fantom05 (11:52:57 PM): fag
Fantom05 (11:53:00 PM): what a fag
Isle1183 (11:53:05 PM): i'm posing the questioan right now
Fantom05 (11:53:19 PM): wont have johnsoan for hours because he has to save a few pennies on gas
Isle1183 (11:53:25 PM): hahhhaha
Isle1183 (11:53:29 PM): shut up
Isle1183 (11:53:30 PM): fai
Isle1183 (11:53:31 PM): g
Fantom05 (11:53:50 PM): all i know is at 10 when i call you what morning and tell you how awesome that johnsoan is, you'll be kicking yourself
Isle1183 (11:53:58 PM): i won't answer
Isle1183 (11:54:04 PM): i have to study for my test tomorrow
Fantom05 (11:54:05 PM): ill call nonstop
Fantom05 (11:54:10 PM): ok fag
Fantom05 (11:54:48 PM): have fun eating rigitoni like a bitch while im galavanting around san andreas like a gang banger
Isle1183 (11:54:57 PM): you know what, eat a johnsoan, you should be glad that i will be indulging in the johnsoan with you, we should make fun of non johnsoaners
Fantom05 (11:55:16 PM): youre not a TRUE johnsaon
Fantom05 (11:55:19 PM): youre johnsoan lite
Isle1183 (11:56:02 PM): i will still have the johnsoan
Isle1183 (11:56:28 PM): you know what, i gotta call the sto tomorrow because the guy mentioaned that they may opan at midnight for johnsoan
Fantom05 (11:56:38 PM): aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Isle1183 (11:56:40 PM): then i'll eat it all night
Fantom05 (11:56:44 PM): you better fucking go if they do
Isle1183 (11:56:46 PM): then i'll call you fag
Fantom05 (11:56:51 PM): ill drive there
Isle1183 (11:56:52 PM): you can eat my johnsoan then
Isle1183 (11:56:54 PM): hahahah
Fantom05 (11:57:02 PM): ill be there a 9 tomorrow night
Isle1183 (11:57:07 PM): i'm gonna call thn
Isle1183 (11:57:11 PM): them in the am
Fantom05 (11:57:12 PM): oh fucking food
Isle1183 (11:57:24 PM): dude, if i could go tomorry at midgnat
Isle1183 (11:57:29 PM): fucking face
Fantom05 (11:57:32 PM): im gonna call kb then too
Isle1183 (11:57:34 PM): i'd eat it until i exploded
Fantom05 (11:57:37 PM): hahahaha
Isle1183 (11:57:39 PM): well this is EB
Isle1183 (11:57:42 PM): not KB
Isle1183 (11:57:43 PM): ooooooooh
Fantom05 (11:57:49 PM): you know that beastie boys sone
Fantom05 (11:57:55 PM): no sleep til johnsoan
Isle1183 (11:58:01 PM): hhahahahaah
Fantom05 (11:58:20 PM): go study eater
Isle1183 (11:58:45 PM): i'll study up on johnsoan and johnsoan
Fantom05 (11:58:51 PM): hahahaha
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